My blog post today is written for MamaKats Writer's Workshop and Alphabe-Thursday.
The letter this week is 'B'. The writing prompt, "Signs that your little one isn't that into you anymore."
See, I've always prided myself in being a strict, but cool mom. I have three children; an eleven year old boy, an eight year old girl, and a three year old son. They adore me. Or at least the younger two do. I tell them every day that they should worship the ground I walk on, and they are still little enough to believe me. My oldest however?
When he was little, he thought I was 'Da Bomb'.
No more.
Just a couple of days ago, I was given a sure-fire sign that this is no longer the case.
My oldest, Billy (not his real name, but we needed a B word) used to laugh and join in when I sang and danced. We did impromptu duets in the car, the kitchen, the living room.
Just for fun (I had to whisper it, because he would be mortified if he knew I said that.)
Billy has a new Best friend now. They are Buddies, compadres, pals, amigos. I get it. I do remember being that age. Anyway, I was fixing dinner, listening to the radio, singing and dancing, when they walked in the back door. Well, I'm not going to stop my grand solo just because I have an audience. However, the conversation went something like this...
Billy: Mom, what the heck are you doing?
Me: What does it look like I'm doing? I'm making dinner and singing.
Billy: No you weren't. You were trying to dance too.
Me: So?
Billy: Mom's shouldn't dance. Ever.
Me: Why not?
Billy: Cause it isn't cool. It isn't something that other moms do.
Me: Well they should.
Billy: No, No they shouldn't. Moms dance like moms.
And then it hit me. I am no longer that teenager who was president of the dance team. I am now somebody who dances like...gasp...a mom.
So Billy's new Best friend says: I wish my mom sang while she cooked dinner. She usually just yells at us that we aren't helping and tells us to set the table.
Billy: Cause that is what moms are supposed to do.
Billy's new Best friend: (shrug)
Me(losing my temper a little bit): Okay. If that's what you want. Have you done your homework and reading yet? Better go do it. While you're at it, clean your room, pick up the living room, and the garbages in the bathrooms need to be taken out. After that, get your butt back into this kitchen and set the table, and DO IT NOW!
Billy's new Best friend: (eye roll) You sort of deserved it dude. Don't diss on a mom when she's cooking dinner.
Billy: He's right. I'm sorry. Sing and dance all you want. Just Don't Do It In Front Of Us.
*End of Conversation*
I learned many things from this exchange with pre-teen boys.
A) By son now thinks I'm a dweeb (and he's sort of right)
B) I wish I could adopt his New Best Friend. (he seems to be older and wiser than my son)
C) Even though I dance like a mom, I'm still not going to stop doing it. Because I like it and it's what I do.
D) BOO HOO (My son isn't into me anymore.) *sob* *sniffle* *wipe nose on sleeve*
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